NetHack 再入門

You enter a leprechaun hall!

部屋に入ると,そこは leprechaun の死体で埋めつくされていた.そして満足そうな表情? の baluchitherium がいっぴき・・・.う〜〜ん.なんだかなあ.

You enter what seems to be an older, more primitive world.

16階でそんなメッセージにぶち当たる.とりあえずまっくらで辛気臭いので,片っ端から wand of light で灯りをつけてまわることにした.

このフロアは,シンボルがちょっと変である. % が階段で,閉じたドアも開いたドアもまとめて + だし, ] が防具だ.うわ〜〜おいしそう! なんて駆け寄ると実は階段で,がっくりする・・・


You hear the tones of courtly conversation.

Someone shouts "Off with her head!"

You hear a sceptre pounded in judgment.


jabberwock なんてモンスターもいるのね.

You sit on the opulent throne. You feel very stupid!

Your potion of levitation dilutes. You unleash a water demon!

Far below you, you see coins glistening in the water.
The fountain dries up!

You enter an anthole!

蜂の巣あり,蟻の巣あり・・・蜂の巣では royal jelly が大量に手に入ったけど.どーでもいいけど royal jelly って lumps of 〜 って数えるのね.蟻の巣では, food ration と slime mold と trip ration 入手.もう食料はありすぎるほどあるけどね.

Suddenly one of the Vault's guards enters! You stop searching.
"Hello stranger, who are you?" -
"I don't know you."
"Most likely all your gold was stolen from this vault."
"Please drop that gold and follow me."

The guard whispers an incantation."
A mysterious force moves the gold into the vault.
The damaged vault's walls are magically restored!
Suddenly, the guard disappears.

     6   TO HOME