NetHack 再入門

You receive a faint telepathic message from Twoflower

Your help is urgently needed at Ankh-Morpork!
Look for a ...ic transporter.
You couldn't quite make out that last message.

階段を降りた途端,メッセージが流れてきた.ということは,このフロアに Tourist のクエストへの入口があるのだ.

探していると, ^ が見つかったので,確かめもせず,というか全然何も考えずに飛び込む.

・・・単なる hole だった.階下に落ちてしまったので,また戻る.クエストを逃すわけにいかない.

You again sense Twoflower pleading for help.

歩いていると,ついにピンク色の ^ 発見.これこそ magic portal だ.クエストの入口である.

You activated a magic portal!
You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes.

You breathe a sigh of relief as you find yourself back in the familiar
surrounding of Ankh-Morpork.

You quickly notice that things do not appear the way they did when you
left. The town is dark and quiet. There are no sounds coming from
behind the town walls, and no campfires burning in the fields. As a
matter of fact, you do not see any movement in the fields at all, and
the crops look as though they have been untended for many weeks.

とりあえず・・・ Ankh-Morpork ってナニ? どーゆーふうに発音すればいいの? 店主の名前もたいてい読めないけれど.


You suddenly realize it is unnaturally quiet.

この静けさは普通じゃない! モンスターに取り囲まれているし,堀の中からはクラーケンやピラニアが攻撃してくる・・・あ.足を踏み外してしまった.

You fall into the water! You sink like a rock.
You attempt a teleport spell.
A mysterious force prevents you from teleporting!
You try to crawl out of water. Pheew! That was close.

陸が近かったので,おぼれずにすんだ.・・・助かった.しかし,武器が錆びた.防具も錆びた. scroll がほとんど blank paper になった. potion が diluted になった.うわー ring や wand まで錆びるのね.

bag of holding の中味も無事ではなかった. spellbook もほとんどが plain に・・・.


建物にはしっかりと鍵がかけられていたが,なんとか中に入って, guide に話し掛けながら進んでゆくと,ようやく Twoflower さんと対面を果たす.さっき水に落ちたせいで, key まで錆びてしまったが,機能には差がないようだ.

"It is really you, YURI! I had given up hope for you return.
As you can see, we are desperately in need of your talents. Someone must
defeat the Master of Thieves if our town is become what it once was.

"Let me see if you are ready to be that someone."

「おお, YURI ではないか.君が帰ってきてくれるとは,まだ希望がある.見てのとおり,われわれは君の力を欲している.だれかが Master of Thieves を打ち負かさねばならないのだ.君がそれを成し遂げられるかどうか,見せてくれ」


"You have indeed proven yourself a worthy Tourist, YURI.

"But now your kinfolk and I must ask you to put aside your travels and
help us in our time of need. After you left us we elected a new mayor,
the Master of Thieves. He proved to be a most heinous and vile creature.

"Soon after taking office he absconded with the Platinum Yendorian Express Card
and fled town, leaving behind his henchmen to rule over us. In order
for us to regain control of our town, you must enter the Thieves' Guild Hall
and recover the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.

"Do not be distracted on your quest. If you do not return quickly I fear
that all will be lost. Let us both pray now that The Lady will guide you
and keep you safe."

「君はひとかどの Tourist であることを証明した」 Twoflower 氏は観相でもしたのだろうか.

ともかく, Twoflower 氏によると,新しい市長として選んだ the Master of Thieves という人物が,市長の座についた途端, Platinum Yendorian Express Card で悪いことをし始めたらしい.要するにカードを取り戻してこいということだ.

Twoflower 氏の背後には下りの階段があった.それでは行きましょう.

"You are like a daughter to me, YURI. Do not let me down."

"You must hurry, YURI!"

"If you do not return with the Platinum Yendorian Express Card, your quest will be in vain."

"Take the Platinum Yendorian Express Card from the Master of Thieves and you may be able to defeat him."

"Let all who meet you on your journey know that you are on an quest for Twoflower and grant safe passage."

"To enter the Thieves' Guild Hall you must pass many traps."

"If you are neutral at all times you may succeed, YURI."

Twoflower 氏がしきりに急かすので, YURI は階段を降りた.


Only your faith in The Lady keeps you from trembling. You see
the handiwork of the Master of Thieves' henchlings everywhere.

部屋に入ると,モンスターがいっぱい. Gnomish Mine の比じゃない.みんなが敵で,しかもけっこう強い.

You have an uncanny feeling...

You enter a military barracks!

Welcome to David's treasure zoo!

そのたびにモンスターと戦闘突入である. baluchitherium は実に頼もしい相棒だ.でも肝心の YURI が・・・

You fall into the water! You sink like a rock.
You attempt a teleport spell.
To what position do you want to be teleported?

あー! 大事にとっておいた scroll of charging が. wand of wishing も錆びちゃうし・・・

でも,いらない scroll や potion を白紙のものや水に変えたいときは, fountain 使うよりも楽かもしれない.ただ飛び込めばいいのだから.というわけで,杖やら指輪やら,そのへんに置いて水に飛び込む.

You attempt a teleport spell. You lack the strength to teleport.
You try to crawl out of water. Pheew! That was close.


You hear blades being honed.

You hear dice being thrown.

You hear loud snoring.

The hair on the back of your neck stands up.


アイテムがたくさん落ちているが,持ちきれない.使い道もわからない. bugle とか drum とか flute とか,楽器なんか何に使うのだろう.ちょっと bugle を吹いてみるか.

You start playing the bugle. You extract a loud noise from the bugle.
You hear the rattle of battle gear being readied.
The soldier is now ready for battle!

・・・もしや,ラッパというのは,敵を奮い立たせるだけのもの? こんなの,なんの役に立つんだ! じゃあ drum は?

You start playing the drum. You beat a deafening row!
The giant spider turns to flee!

これなら,少しは使い道があるかな.つぎ, flute は?

You start playing the flute. The flute toots.


You sense the presence of the Platinum Yendorian Express Card.


skelton key で部屋の鍵をことごとくはずしながら進んでいく.兵士の部屋あり,ゾンビの部屋あり,警官のいる部屋あり. Keystone Kop や Kop Lieutenant や Kop Kaptain が cream pie を投げつけ, rubber hose を振り回す.少々ためらいつつも警官を全部ぶち倒し,さらにその奥の扉を開ける.

The prisoner speaks: "I'm finally free!"

どうやら YURI は牢破りをしてしまったらしい・・・まあいいか.多分政治犯だろうし・・・と思っていると,ペットが殺すし・・・

扉を次々に開けていくと,一番奥の部屋に Master of Thieves がいた.ラスボスである.すなわち先手必勝である.話なんか聞く必要なし!

迷わず, wand of death を振る.

You kill the Master of Thieves!

You turn in the direction of the Master of Thieves. As his earthly body begins
to vanish before your eyes, your hear him curse:

	You shall never be rid of me, YURI!
	I will find you where ever you go and regain what is rightly mine.

死体の下には, silver bell, potion of extra healing, the Platinum Yendorian Express Card が落ちていた.

As you pick up the Platinum Yendorian Express Card, you feel a great
weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Your only thoughts are
to quickly return to Ankh-Morpork and find Twoflower.

さあ後は上にのぼるだけ! アイテムを回収しながら・・・いっぱいあるからなあ.残しておくのももったいないし.


As Twoflower detects the presence of the Platinum Yendorian Express Card,
he almost smiles for the first time in many a full moon.

As he looks up from the Platinum Yendorian Express Card he says:

	You have recovered the Platinum Yendorian Express Card. You are its
	owner you, but not its master. Let it work with you as you continue
	your journey. With its help, and The Lady to guide you on the
	neutral path, you may yet recover the Amulet of Yendor.

"I could not be more proud than if you were my own daughter, YURI!
Tell me of your adventures in quest of the Amulet of Yendor."

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